Building the Vision for TRR - A Place of Rest, Healing, and Hope for Children in Foster Care

Building the Vision for TRR - A Place of Rest, Healing, and Hope for Children in Foster Care image

There were over 3,500 children in foster care in the state of South Carolina in 2023. There were only 1,040 licensed foster homes in South Carolina in 2023. There is a shortage of foster families to care for the children who need love, hope, and healing during a challenging and trying time of their lives. To make matters worse, between 2021 and 2023, there was a 40% reduction in licensed foster homes in South Carolina.

We believe that providing a consistent, overnight respite outlet for children in foster care and their foster families can help alleviate hardships and provide a necessary interval of relief.

Respite care is a critical ingredient to successful placements and it is our hope that Three Rivers Respite can help reduce the number of disrupted placements (25% of children in foster care have four or more placements). We want to encourage foster families to continue in the foster care journey through the trials.

At Three Rivers Respite, we hope to help bridge this gap by being a resource for foster families and a place of love, hope, and healing for children in foster care. We desire to provide consistent, year-round respite care opportunities for children in foster care and the families that care for them. We want to provide families the needed support, encouragement, and hope to endure the journey.

Your donation to the Three Rivers Respite Capital Campaign will enable us to build the facilities and operate year-round respite camps for children across the state of South Carolina. Your donation will help us provide much needed rest for foster families and a safe place for children in foster care to relax, enjoy nature, and build relationships with other children in foster care. Your donation will impact the next generation and help change the course of the lives of children in foster care. The Capital Campaign will fund the following Projects:

  • The Clubhouse ($500,000) - The Clubhouse will be the main facility for Three Rivers Respite. The Clubhouse will include the kitchen, dining area, bathrooms, and a large gathering space.
  • The Cabins ($100,000) - The cabins will be the main sleeping quarters for the campers.The cabins will sleep 12 campers and staff members in bunk beds and will be heated and cooled.
  • Camp Van ($50,000) - A camp van will provide transportation to and from camp and any off-site activities that will occur throughout the duration of camp.
  • Landscaping and Surfacing ($100,000) - This includes the final landscaping around the camp and road and parking area surfacing, including ADA parking spaces.
  • Operating Expenses ($500,000) - Includes 2 years of operating expenses for camp once facilities are completed and camp is fully operational for year-round camps.

Three Rivers Respite will have generational impact in the foster care community. Partner with us to change the lives of children in foster care by providing them a place of love, hope, and healing and helping us encourage the families that are caring for them.